Collision Course

Collision Course cover


BOOK: Collision Course (A Josh Williams Novel)


THE AUTHOR: Joe Broadmeadow.

THE PUBLISHER: JEBWizard Publishing through Createspace (Print) and KDP (Kindle format)

THE EDITOR: JEBWizard Publishing.

SUMMARY: Collision Course is a legal thriller incorporating elements of blind political ambition, the strained relationship between the Police and the minority community arising from racial prejudices embedded within police departments, a troubled war veteran, and the taking of a human life by a police officer in the line of duty.

The novel explores the human aspect of those thrust into a nightmare beyond their control. An ambitious US Attorney turns the rage of racial inequality into a platform for a run for the US Senate, perverting the Justice system and trampling over anyone in his way to succeed.

Joe BroadmeadowTHE BACK STORY: I spent 20 years as a police officer for the City of East Providence (RI). During that time, I saw many examples of inherent racism and prejudices within Law Enforcement agencies and the Criminal Justice system.

The only way to eliminate this pernicious infection within these insular worlds is to admit they exist, to expose them, and to work towards eliminating them.

The media often shows a skewed version of events, highlighting the dramatic at the expense of the truth. By writing these stories, I hope to show a more well-rounded perspective.

In the Josh Williams Series of novels, Collision Course and the upcoming sequel, Silenced Justice, I look to move that process forward.

WHY THIS TITLE: Collision Course implies the imminent violent contact between two entities. In this book, two men, from completely different backgrounds, collide because of circumstances beyond their control. Men that might have been friends if things had been different end up as pawns in a game of politics.

WHY SOMEONE WOULD WANT TO READ IT: The media is awash with stories of violent confrontations between the Police and members of the minority community. Much of the public discussions lack the basis to evaluate these situations rationally.

In this series of novels, Collision Course and Silenced Justice, I provide a view into the world from the perspective of an officer trying to do his job, having seconds to make life and death decisions, then facing the consequences of his actions compared to those over which he had no control.

These novels bring out the truth that racism is alive and well. Not just as part of Law Enforcement, but as a part of society as a whole, and requires our attention.

These novels also confront the reality of the politics of racism and the depths to which some will go to promote their own success.


By W. Prescott on January 2, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

5 Stars

Great story line with lots of unexpected twists and turns..and believable characters with whom you can identify. You will either love them or hate them. The author must have an extensive background with investigative police work because he deftly described the legal system, and medical terminology, as well as describing the camaraderie and banter between police officers. Being from New England, it was fun to have the story centered in familiar territory. You will enjoy this book. By gerald prendergast on December 10, 2014

Format: Paperback

5 Stars

This first book by Joe Broadmeadow was a great read. The interaction of the characters brings a real life feel to the novel. I think the men/women in a police uniform would enjoy this, maybe more than the average detective mystery reader, as it portrays the the life, the feelings, the interactions of the main characters in a real true to life fashion. A job well done. You come to admire the tight knit stick togetherness of the department against the actions of big government. It gives you a glimpse of the everyday interactions of our protectors on the street what they go through on a daily basis. I can’t wait for the next book, in the series. A well written portrayal of men and women who work on the street to protect us. By David Jarrett on May 8, 2015

Format: Paperback

4 Stars

I enjoyed this book. Its description does not accurately depict the story, however. It is more a legal thriller, about a veteran white police officer, prosecuted for a questionable civil rights violation after shooting and killing a black criminal who turned out to be unarmed at the time of the shooting. An ambitious United States Attorney sees the case as a way to advance his career in politics, while a maverick defense attorney and the officer’s friends rally around him in an attempt to clear him of the charges. The first sixty pages or so are backstory, somewhat more than necessary in my estimation, but some of this is necessary to set the stage for the courtroom drama that is to come. There is quite a bit of POV shifting, some of it somewhat jarring, but once the story really gets underway, it is hard to put down. The main characters in the story are fairly well developed — the secondary ones less so — there are so many that it was hard to do them all justice in a 360 pp. book. There is quite a bit of “cop speak” in the novel. Some of it gets a little tiring, but it is probably necessary for realism. The author has a writing style that I appreciate, blending drama and excitement with a dash of humor and a healthy dose of cynicism. All in all, I would recommend this book for anyone who enjoys legal thrillers.

AUTHOR PROFILE: Joe Broadmeadow retired with the Rank of Captain from the East Providence, Rhode Island Police Department after twenty years. Assigned to various divisions within the department including Commander of Investigative Services, he also worked in the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force and on special assignment to the FBI Drug Task Force. When he is not writing, he is hiking or fishing (and thinking about writing). Joe completed a 2,185 mile thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail in September, 2014. After completing the trail, Joe published a short story, Spirit of the Trail available on in Kindle format. Joe lives in Lincoln, RI with his wife Susan.

AUTHOR COMMENTS: Collision Course began as an idea of giving readers an inside look into the world of a small city police department. Most crime novels, TV shows, and movies depict larger departments like NYPD and LA. The reality is most departments in the United States consist of 25 or fewer officers.

As the story progressed the long simmering issue of race and racism rose to the surface. The story told itself. Real life events echoed the realities of the level of racism still prevalent in our society.

Collision Course and the soon to be released sequel, Silenced Justice, try to expose this troubling aspect yet highlight the changes that have occurred and the painfully slow but steady progress made towards eliminating this from our society. SAMPLE CHAPTER:

LOCAL OUTLETS: Barrington Books, 184 County Road, Barrington, RI 02806 WHERE ELSE TO BUY IT:, Barnes& Noble

PRICE: Paperback $13.15 Kindle $3.99

CONTACT THE AUTHOR: Joseph.Broadmeadow@gmail.comFacebook:

Twitter: @jbroadmeadow WordPress Blog: and

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Recently retired after 35 years with the News & Advance newspaper in Lynchburg, VA, now re-inventing myself as a novelist/nonfiction writer and writing coach in Lake George, NY.

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