Consciously Connecting

PHolland HaiiasUBLISHED:  December, 2014

AUTHOR:  Holland Haiis

PUBLISHER:  Balboa Press; A Division of Hay House

SUMMARY:   Consciously Connecting is an exciting and easy step-by-step guide which will engage you with a weekly plan of action. It aids those who are too connected to technology with insight on “How to Reconnect” to themselves and others without the use of screens, keyboards or cell phones.

The book is divided into the twelve months of the year, each month has a theme, and within that month there are four weekly exercises. Each week’s exercise allows for a deeper connection to yourself, your life, and others, without having more things to do. This is about re-learning how to live connection, it’s not about having more things to do, it’s about BE-ing.

Learn how to disconnect from poisonous people, actively engage in the present moment, enthusiastically make time for play, and move in the direction of your goals. Consciously Connecting will reward you with a huge shift in your thinking and the way you connect to everyone and everything.

BACK STORY:  Consciously Connecting was written as I was experiencing my own disconnect and witnessing the disconnection of so many others. I was in the middle of Central Park, and more interested in my emails than my surroundings. Speeding taxi’s, joggers, and horse carriages can all be a recipe for disaster if you don’t look up!  It seemed timely to not only offer this gift to myself, but to others as well.

Consciously Connecting took one year to write and another six months to finalize putting all the pieces together.

WHY THIS TITLE?:  Working as a Wellness and Business Coach has allowed me to see the disconnect in my client’s personal lives and businesses. As mentioned, I was having trouble with my own work-life balance, and the word connection kept coming up in conversation.  When I work with a client it’s all about consciously connecting to what they desire, want, and need in their life or business, so the title seemed like a perfect fit.

WHY SOMEONE MIGHT WANT TO READ IT:  If you’re a fan of Super Soul Sunday, enjoy Deepak, Gretchen Rubin, or want to find balance and re-connection to the things you love, this will be a great tool for you. If you want to learn how to reconnect to spontaneity, creativity, connectivity, this will be an exciting and energizing way to go about that journey.

Consciously Connecting


Harvey Schachter of The Globe and Mail said “It may rejuvenate you in unexpected ways.”

TV Host Jason Galka states “Love this book, it is an easy and useful tool for anyone!”

Tony Award Nominated Actress Barbara Walsh “Consciously Connecting is a concise and clear guide on how to get focused and enrich your life’s path…..The empowerment felt as you strip away from to much technology to reconnect with your self and others is liberating.”

AUTHOR PROFILE:  Holland Haiis is a successful consultant, speaker and wellness and business coach that mentors and facilitates clients to reach their goals. She incorporates the principles of Consciously Connecting as she works with individuals and business to help them engage in a plan of action as they become awakened, get excited, and stay connected!

Holland coaches professionals, executives, small businesses, non-profits and individuals to facilitate transitions and assess new beginnings. She guides business owners on the path to become business leaders and transforms teams to bring their best to the work place. It is thrilling for Holland to have a front row seat to co-create and celebrate the success of others!

Holland also enthusiastically leads workshops and seminars as she engages participants to follow their unique and individual path to greatness.

AURTHOR COMMENTS:  “Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Consciously Connecting and Snowflakes in a Blizzard. My hope is that you will take this journey and connect to the celebration of your life and the people in it. Self awareness should be fun, and I believe you will experience that with Consciously Connecting.”


WHERE TO BUY IT:  The book is available in hardcover, softcover, and e-book.×648&kpid=9781452597850

Events:  Holland will be featured on Laura Sikorski’s Show, Sikorski’s Think Abouts produced by The Daily Blu, on July 20, 2015. She will be live on Fierte Haitienne FM Radio on July 11, 2015 and interviewed by Hay House Radio in August. If you would like to invite Holland to a book signing event please visit the link listed below.


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Recently retired after 35 years with the News & Advance newspaper in Lynchburg, VA, now re-inventing myself as a novelist/nonfiction writer and writing coach in Lake George, NY.

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