Seeing Eye Girl

THE BOOK: Seeing Eye Girl: A Memoir of Madness, Resilience and Hope

: 2022.

THE AUTHOR: Beverly Armento

Developmental Editor: Don Weiss with The Writers Ally (Ally Machate)Copyeditor: Krissa Lagos with Warner Coaching (Brooke Warner)

THE PUBLISHER: She Writes Press, an award-winning hybrid publisher for women authors.

SUMMARY: As the “Seeing Eye Girl” for her blind and mentally ill mother, Beverly Armento was intimately connected with and responsible for her, even though her mother physically and emotionally abused her. She was Strong Beverly at school—excellent in academics and mentored by caring teachers—but at home she was Weak Beverly, cowed by her mother’s rage and delusions.

In this emotional memoir, Beverly shares the coping strategies she invented to get herself through the trials of her young life, and the ways in which school and church served as refuges over the course of her journey. Breaking the psychological chains that bound her to her mother would prove to be the most difficult challenge of her life—and, ultimately, the most liberating one.

: All my life I wanted to write about my early years, the growing up years with my mother, but my busy career as an educator filled my time and consumed my energy. Upon retirement, I took a Creative Nonfiction class where I wrote a poem that shocked me into the awareness that “the time had come” to write a memoir. The actual creation of the book and locating a publisher took about a decade, believe it or not. During much of that time I took courses to build my writing skills for applying the tools of fiction to nonfiction with each class offering critique opportunities. A group of about a dozen of the class members remained intact as an on-going critique group for several years, and it is through these relationships that I learned how to hone my writing to convey the emotional impact of my coming of age years.

WHY THIS TITLE?: My mother, diagnosed with a serious eye disease as an infant, was totally blind by the time she had me, her first child. When I was nine, my mother’s eyesight was restored with two corneal transplants, which were unheard of in 1950. Given these “miracle” surgeries and Momma’s artistic talent, she became “famous” overnight, with many articles appearing in newspapers around the country. Woman’s Home Companion, 1953, featured Momma’s fascinating human interest story, and she told the editor that “Beverly was my Seeing Eye Girl.” Indeed, Momma seldom went out of the house without me, her guide as we went grocery shopping, or walked around the community. As I thought about alternative titles for the memoir, the one I continued coming back to was Seeing Eye Girl, as it has both literal as well as metaphorical meanings.

WHY WOULD SOMEONE WANT TO READ IT? I wrote this book for the “Invisible Walking Wounded,” folks like me who present themselves to the world with a smiling face and who hide their grief and sadness and for all those teachers/mentors who ever doubt the impact they have on children. Anyone who experienced Adverse Childhood events will find that my experiences resonate with them, and perhaps they will reflect on their own lives in new ways. Educators, coaches, youth leaders, and really all of us (who mentor those around us, whether we are aware of it or not) will find the book encouraging of their efforts to empower children and other adults. “Seeing Eye Girl” focuses on resilience and hope, and should leave the reader with positive clues for surviving conditions beyond one’s control. 


“An engrossing read…Sublime writing brightens an unforgettable, harrowing personal account.” Kirkus Reviews

“Is it possible that a story of chronic abuse at the hands of a mentally unstable mother can be beautiful? ‘Seeing Eye Girl’ proves that the answer is yes.” –Sue William Silverman, author, How to Survive Death and other Inconveniences

“Between the pages of heartbreak, shimmers a compelling story of courage.” –Melissa Cistaro, author, Pieces of My Mother“This unforgettable personal journey will make you tear up… Heartbreaking yet so empowering!” – Reader’s Favorite

 Inspired by the many teachers who mentored her, Beverly J. Armento became an educator and enjoyed a fifty-year career, working with middle school children as well as prospective teachers. Retired now, she is Professor Emerita at Georgia State University, and holds degrees from The William Paterson University, Purdue University, and Indiana University. She currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia. Her memoir, “Seeing Eye Girl,” was awarded a bronze medal from the IPPY awards. For more information, please visit:  

 We know that today’s youth are unusually depressed, fearful, sad, and isolated as the effects of the pandemic and recent school shootings highlight the trauma in many children, families, and communities. All of this is in addition to the things psychologists usually think of as Adverse Childhood Experiences, such as physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, losing a parent through death or divorce, or living in a household where drug/alcohol addiction, or violence present dangerous situations for children. Untreated or unresolved childhood trauma often leads to health or behavioral issues in adulthood. It is important for all of us, as a caring human family, to be aware of these issues facing young people and to work consciously to create healthy and supportive environments in homes, schools, and anywhere youth gather. In addition, we need additional attention to improving mental health and the ability to be resilient. 

It is my hope that “Seeing Eye Girl” might prompt such discussions. 

SAMPLE: Please refer to the Amazon page:

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PRICE: $16.95CONTACT THE AUTHOR: Contact me: (see my website for ways to reach me)Email me: 

beverly@beverlyarmentoauthor.comFacebook: beverlyarmentoauthor

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Recently retired after 35 years with the News & Advance newspaper in Lynchburg, VA, now re-inventing myself as a novelist/nonfiction writer and writing coach in Lake George, NY.

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