And No One Saw It Coming

This week’s other featured books, “Re-SURGE,” by Mary Newell and “A Burning Lake of Paper Suns,” by Ellen Webre, can be found by scrolling down below this post, or by clicking the author’s name on our Authors page.


THE BOOK: And No One Saw It Coming

: January 7, 2022

THE AUTHOR:  Marci Glidden Savage

:  BookBaby editorial staff


SUMMARY: August 13, 2014, Marci found Paul, her beloved husband of thirty-four years, dead by suicide on their backyard patio. No warning. No explanation. No final good-bye. Less than five years later, on March 15, 2019, the unthinkable and unimaginable happened. Michael, Marci’s second husband of only eight months, was found dead by suicide. In this captivating book, Marci vulnerably shares her intimate journey from anger, hopelessness, and sorrow to acceptance and joy while offering hope to others facing similar situations today.

Suicide is considered one of the most challenging types of loss to sustain. Your grief is complicated, messy, and haunting. In 2019, suicide was the tenth leading cause of death in the United States – an alarming fact and dangerous epidemic. With dogged determination, Marci uses her grief and sets out to expose the ill-conceived and biased attitudes toward mental illnesses standing in the way and keeping many individuals battling depression and anxiety from seeking help, particularly men.

Image preview

In the grip of unrelenting pain, Marci courageously meets grief head-on. With grit and candid openness, she opens the door into her personal story of lost love, betrayal, abandonment, shattered dreams, unanswered questions, judgements, and harmful social stigma. Vividly, Marci reveals the catastrophic impact of a suicide death on loved ones left behind. From the first page, her riveting, original, and profoundly moving open letter to mental illness exposes the insidious way it torments and holds captive its victims under the guise of silence. And why no one could see the end coming. Twice.

THE BACK STORY: Following the deaths of my two husbands by suicide, I experienced how differently this type of death is viewed by family, friends and society at large. I also understood why many families choose to keep a suicide death private. The feeling of shame, along with judgements leveled at your loved one is overwhelmingly painful and difficult to navigate. I believe we need to focus on the causes or conditions leading to suicidal deaths, not just the manner of death. Remaining silent adds to the problem. I want to be part of a solution, and to encourage others to talk about their experiences, I must first be willing to share my story. 

WHY THIS TITLE?: Most people are shocked when they learn of a suicide death of someone close to them or a well known celebrity and often say, “They didn’t see it coming.”

Although the book centers around the catastrophic impact suicide deaths have on family and friends, readers will also find a love story, personal ups and downs of grief, and the will and determination to rebuild one’s life after experiencing unimaginable tragedies.


“A captivating account of losing two husbands to suicide – and the courage and determination to rebuild one’s life after unspeakable tragedy. With profound honesty, along with an engaging writing style, Marci educates and confronts common stigmas of mental illness which deter many people struggling with their mental health to reach out for help. This unforgettable story is impossible to put down. Be prepared to be inspired and changed forever.” —Kathy Jo Stones, M.A., L.M.F.T.

“A riveting story of love, heartbreak and healing after the suicide of two loved ones. Marci’s raw and powerful memoir will take the reader on an eye-opening journey of understanding mental health, suicide and grief recovery. This is an incredible resource for this who have lost a loved one to suicide or those who want to support them.” —Anne-Marie Lockmyer, Award Winning Author, Grief Specialist and Founder of the Grief & Recovery Network

AUTHOR PROFILE: Marci Glidden Savage is the CEO of a family-owned packaging supply company. After experiencing the catastrophic impact of suicide twice, Marci emerges as a fierce proponent for eliminating the “social stigma” attached to mental illness which keeps many individuals battling depression and anxiety from seeking help. Marci lives in Southern California where she enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling and endless hours of genealogy research.

AUTHOR COMMENTS: I’m happy to say I’ve already had the privilege of hearing from readers about the impact the book has made on their lives, and the truth is, I’m humbled. My hope from the beginning was that my story would be of help to others. For readers who have a personal connection with suicidal deaths, I hope they find a measure of peace knowing they are not alone and the courage to talk about their own experience. We can’t be silent any longer. For the reader looking for ways to help someone who has lost a loved one to suicide, I hope you find a way to become their “lean in hero.” For the reader who is trying to understand why anyone dies by suicide, I hope you learn more about this growing epidemic and will join the conversation. None of us can afford to stay silent any longer. And for the reader who sees the harm social stigmas play surrounding mental health and suicide, I hope you will shout with me, “Game over and Game on, insidious opponent. We will be silent no more!”

SAMPLE/EXCERPT: Excerpt available on Amazon at



Barnes & Noble


PRICE: eBook: $4.99
Paperback: $15.00

CONTACT THE AUTHOR: Connect with Marci at

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Recently retired after 35 years with the News & Advance newspaper in Lynchburg, VA, now re-inventing myself as a novelist/nonfiction writer and writing coach in Lake George, NY.

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